Campanas de México

Vídeo 1053
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Toque Great Peter of York (1927)
Fecha 20-04-1927
Duración 01:38
Notas This is a film of the arrival to York Minster of a new bell, ‘Great Peter’, in 1927. The bell was cast at Taylor's Bellfoundry in Loughborough on 22nd April, 1927. It arrived in York on Tuesday, 20th September at 2.45 p.m. and was welcomed with a special service outside the cathedral at 4 p.m. The formal dedication service was held on Saturday, 22nd October, 1927.

Title – “Big ‘Noise’ Arrives. Big Peter (11 tons and the third largest Bell in England) is received with much ceremony at York Minster.”

As a crowd watches, the bell arrives on the back of a truck.

Intertitle – The bell was transported by road from Loughborough to York without a hitch . . .

Clergy and choirboys emerge from the Minster.

Intertitle – And was handed over by Mr Taylor of John Taylor and Co., Loughborough, to Mr Green, Clerk of the Works, York Minster, for safe keeping.

The choirboys sing on the steps at the front of the Minster alongside the bell. There is a watching crowd standing the rain.

The bell is slid off the trailer using timbers.

Intertitle – All the work in connection with the re-casting of Big Peter was undertaken and carried out by John Taylor and Co., Bell Founders & Bell Hangers, “Bell Foundry”, Loughborough, England
  • YORK: campanas, campaneros y toques
  • TAYLOR, JOHN & CO: inventario de las campanas
  • Bendición de campanas: bibliografía general
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  • Campanas de México ✱ Actualización 27-06-2024 ✱