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Bell tower Catedral de Santa Maria
Ringings València, Torre del Micalet, vol i repic
Video PAUWELS, Thierry
Date 28-12-2014
Duration 43:34
Remarks Nederlandse tekst op / Full text with explanation on (sorry YouTube complained that my explanation was too long):

[1] http://beiaardgent.be/klankanalyse_mi...

Manual ringings of the bells of the Torre del Micalet, Valencia, Spain, on the occasion of Palm Sunday 2014. Recorded during the visit of the Utrechts Klokkenluiders Gilde to the Torre del Micalet in the framework of their quinquennial excursion to Catalunya and Valencia.

The bells

11 bells in the bell chamber. Traditionally they are numbered from small to big. We have kept the traditional numbering, even when more recent weights showed that some of the bells would have to be interchanged.

1. L'Úrsula
........ 1438 -- Antoni Martí
........ 209 kg (measured weight)
........ f2 -- fa4
2. La Violant
........ 1735 -- Juan Antonio de la Viña
........ 317 kg (measured weight)
........ b1 -- si3
3. La Caterina
........ 1305 -- ??
........ 554 kg (measured weight)
........ e2 -- mi4
4. La Bàrbera
........ 1681 -- Lluís Castañer
........ 526 kg (measured weight)
........ d2/es2 -- re/mib4
5. El Pau
........ 1489 -- ??
........ 440-530 kg (own estimate)
........ bes1 -- sib3
6. L'Arcís
........ 1529 -- Lluís Trilles
........ 550-670 kg (own estimate)
........ b1 -- si3
7. El Vicent
........ 1569 -- Joaquim Balle
........ 1000-1200 kg (own estimate)
........ gis1/a1 -- sol#/la3
8. L'Andreu
........ 1605 -- Vicent Martínez
........ 1300-1600 kg (own estimate)
........ e1 -- mi3
9. El Jaume
........ 1429 -- Tomás Morel
........ 1750 kg (measured weight)
........ fis1 -- fa#3
10. El Manuel
........ 1621 -- Miquel de Vielsa
........ 1980 kg (measured weight)
........ es1 -- mib3
11. La Maria
........ 1544 -- Joan Clerget
........ 1900-2300 kg (own estimate)
........ d1 -- re3

We were just informed that on Christmas 2014 (just 3 days before this film was uploaded) El Jaume came down while being rung and broke its crown. El Jaume is one of biggest and one of the oldest bell in El Micalet, but also probably the most impressive bell. In this video, you can see El Jaume in full glory at 25:30-28:10. First apparition is at 24:05.

Bells marked "measured weight" were weighed recently, and their weights are known. For the other bells the wildest figures circulate. Some of them are based on old traditions being transmitted continuously, but the quoted figures are not realistic. For those bells we have made an own estimate of the weight based on the empirical relation given on [1].

Traditionally Spanish bells have no pitch. The pitch is of no importance, since the peals do not form a melodic pattern, but rather a rhythmic pattern. Yet, based on the sound analysis and based on the perception by ear by Northern people, a pitch can be assigned to each bell.

A detailed study of the bells can be found at:


A tonal analysis (only the principal partials) can be found at:


All these ringings are traditional, and were taken from the inventory made be Rafael Aguado Romaguera, written down in 1912.

00:04 Some pictures to set you in the mood
00:34 Map with location of the bells
01:35 "Dominica morada"
......... Ringing for Laudes of Sunday in Lent
01:35 "Dominica morada", part 1
......... El Vicent rung up and rung in "mitges voltes"
03:10 "Dominica morada", part 2
......... El Vicent rung in "mitges voltes"
04:00 "Dominica morada", part 3
......... El Vicent rung down
......... L'Andreu, vol
......... L'Úrsula, rung in "mitges voltes"
......... La Violant, chimed
23:28 "L'alce"
......... Bringing the bells up, ready for ringing
......... El Vicent, L'Andreu, El Jaume, El Manuel
24:46 "Vol de campanes per a la missa de Rams"
......... Ringing full circle for the mass of Palm Sunday.
......... El Vicent, L'Andreu, El Jaume, El Manuel.
......... This is the third of three similar ringings.
......... At the end the bells are rung down.
......... This is a bit more rapid than usually (bells being braked)
......... to be ready in time for the repic in the next fragment.
30:34 "Repic de la processó de Rams"
......... Chiming for the Palm procession.
......... Different combinations involving all bells.
......... The bells are labeled in the film.

Many thanks to Francesc Llop y Bayo, who guided us in the tower of El Micalet and gave us very interesting explanations about the bells and the ringings. He also gave us additional information on the bells for this film, and some advise on the texts in Valencian.

Dank aan het Utrechts Klokkenluiders Gilde voor de organisatie van deze uiterst boeiende excursie.

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Europe is ringing Thursday 13th of February 2025 - eliseo@eliseomr.com