Càlcul d'estructures: bibliografia general / Cálculo de estructuras: bibliografía general

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BADER, A.; LAU, B.; SCHNEIDER, A.; SPIESS, H.; WIGGENHAGEN, M.; WRIGGERS, P.Analysis of Bell vibrations2002
BARREDA, AlbertJous de fusta per a campanes manuals i motoritzades1993
BASURTO SCOTT, BriandaAnálisis de la respuesta dinámica de la Catedral Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México durante el período 1997-20152017
BRZESKI, Piotr; KAPITANIAK, Tomasz; PERLIKOWSKI, PrzemyslawAnalysis of transition between different ringing schemes of the church bell2015
BRZESKI, Piotr; KAPITANIAK, Tomasz; PERLIKOWSKI, PrzemyslawExperimental verification of a hybrid dynamical model of the church bell2015
BRZESKI, Piotr; KAPITANIAK, Tomasz; PERLIKOWSKI, PrzemyslawUnveiling complexity of church bells dynamics using experimentally validated hybrid dynamical model2015
CARONE, Angelo Salvatore; FOTI, Dora; GIANNOCARO, Nicola Ivan; NOBILE, RiccardoNon-destructive characterization and dynamic identification of an historical bell tower2013
CROCE, PietroNonlinear Dynamics of Swinging Clapper Bells under Arbitrary or Resonant Forcing Functions2020
FLETCHER, N. H.; McGEE, W. T.; TAMOPOLSKY, A. Z.Bell clapper impact dynamics and the voicing of a carillon2002
HALL; KING; MCCLEHAHAN; RENE; SMITH; WOODHOUSEThe Dynamics of a Ringing Church Bell2012
HAVRYLIV, Mark; HURD, Timothy; NAGHDY, Fazel; SCHIEMER, GregHaptic Carillon - Analysis & Design of the Carillon Mechanism2009
IVORRA CHORRO, Salvador; LLOP i BAYO, FrancescDeterminación de algunas magnitudes físicas características de una campana2002
IVORRA, Salvador; PALOMO, María José; VERDÚ, GumersindoEquations of motion of a free bell and clapper2000
RUPP, AndreasRinging Bells - State of the Art in Durability Evaluation of Church Bells2006

Audio (Es pot ordenar per qualsevol dels camps)

IVORRA CHORRO, SALVADORCampanarios y tañido de campanas 19-07-202205:18
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    Actualització: 20-09-2024

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