Campanas de México

- Letter inviting dr. Llopo i Bayo to the cast of the biggest bell of the Cathedral of Santiago

Letter inviting dr. Llopo i Bayo to the cast of the biggest bell of the Cathedral of Santiago

Royal Eijsbouts

Dutch Bellfounders and Tower clockmakers


att. Dr. Francesc Llopo i Bayo

Generalitat Valenciana

Conselleria de Cultura

Educació i Ciència

Avda. de Campanar 32-34


Asten, 12th November 1989

Re: Santiago de Compostela

Dear Dr. Llop,

We have the pleasure to inform you that the copy of the biggest bell of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela will be cast in our foundry on Thursday 21st December next at 15.00 hrs.

Representatives of a. o. the galician government and a team of the Spanish television will be present during this happening. With a view to the importance of this day for the Spanish bell history and the important role you have in everything related to bells we have the honour to invite you to our foundry in order to withness this occasion.

We kindly request you to let us know on short notice whether you are able attend to this important day.

Waiting your favorable reply, we remain

with kind regards,

Royal Eijsbouts


Ing. Pieter A. Den Hollander

DEN HOLLANDER, Ing. Pieter A. - ROYAL EIJSBOUTS (12-11-1989)

  • Catedral do Apóstolo Santiago - SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA: Campanas, campaneros y toques
  • SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (GALICIA): Campanas, campaneros y toques
  • EIJSBOUTS (ASTEN) : Inventario de campanas
  • EIJSBOUTS (ASTEN) : Intervenciones
  • EIJSBOUTS (ASTEN) : Inventario de relojes
  • LLOP I BAYO, FRANCESC (VALÈNCIA) : Otras actividades
  • LLOP I BAYO, FRANCESC (VALÈNCIA) : Toques y otras actividades
  • Fabricación, fundición de campanas: Bibliografía
  • Volver a la página anterior
  • Campanas de México ✱ Actualización 26-06-2024 ✱