Autor | Títol | Any |
13e LÉGISLATURE | Cloches anciennes. préservation. perspectives | 2011 |
14e LÉGISLATURE | Protection des cloches des églises | 2018 |
AVAN | Un joven valenciano impulsa la primera asociación de campaneros de Europa | 2015 |
BBC | Sandwich church bells silenced after neighbour's noise complaint | 2017 |
BBC | Bell from 'England's smallest church' in Wiltshire stolen | 2020 |
BENLLOCH, Loli; EFE | Las campanas que unen tradición con juventud | 2018 |
---| | The Carillon of the Brussels Cathedral | 2014 |
COUNTRY LIFE | Learning the ropes: The new breed of church bell ringers | 2018 |
DUPONT, Denis | Perpignan: le festival international de carillon sonnera malgré la crise sanitaire | 2020 |
DYEN, Nick | Why Being a Bell-Ringer During the Middle Ages Was One of the Worst Jobs in History | 2015 |
EURONEWS | Las campanas de Mafra vuelven a tañer 20 años después | 2020 |
EUROPA NOSTRA | Portugal: Europa Nostra and EIB Institute targets carillons of the Mafra National Palace | 2014 |
EUROPA NOSTRA | Ringing bells across Europe for the International Day of Peace | 2019 |
EUROPA NOSTRA | Portugal: After 20 years of silence, the restored Carillons of the Mafra National Palace played for over 6,000 people | 2020 |
GEELINK, Daphne | Dit is waarom het cijfer 4 op de klokken van de Grote Kerk verkeerd geschreven is | 2020 |
GIBB, Bill | Scots youngsters find fresh appeal in the ancient skills of bell ringing | 2019 |
GIBBONS, Katie | Old skill of bellringing chimes with the young | 2019 |
GODSALL, David; OWEN, Dave | St Paul’s Cathedral bells welcomed back to town | 2018 |
HALL; KING; MCCLEHAHAN; RENE; SMITH; WOODHOUSE | The Dynamics of a Ringing Church Bell | 2012 |
JUDD, Xav | Back on a peal | 2018 |
KENNEDY, Maev | Girl offers to replace Big Ben's bongs during upcoming renovation | 2016 |
LLOP i BAYO, Francesc | Bells in Spain: restoration, research and new ensembles of bellringers | 1998 |
MARTÍNEZ ROIG, Eliseo | Europe is Ringing! | 2015 |
MARTÍNEZ ROIG, Eliseo | Bell Ringing Nowadays: New Perspectives for an Intangible Heritage | 2018 |
MARTÍNEZ ROIG, Eliseo | La música de campanas en Europa: Un patrimonio que vuelve a sonar. | 2018 |
MARTÍNEZ ROIG, Eliseo | TEDxTalks about Bell Ringing in Europe | 2019 |
MARTÍNEZ ROIG, Eliseo | Towers, bells and bell ringings. The recovery of a traditional comunitarian music | 2019 |
MARTÍNEZ ROIG, Eliseo; ROMBOUTS, Luc | Bells. The Silence of War, the Sound of Peace. | 2019 |
MIÑANA, Fernando | Eliseo da la campanada | 2015 |
MIÑANA, Fernando | Eliseo da la campanada (PDF) | 2015 |
NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS | Ordre des sonneries | 2019 |
PAGE, William (Ed.) | Industries: Bell-founders | 1911 |
Redazione | Fiato alle campane per la chiusura del Carnevale | 2014 |
RIJNMOND | Een eeuwenoude traditie verdwijnt omdat één of twee mensen er last van hebben | 2020 |
ROMAGNOLI, Gabriele | La prima cosa bella di giovedì 12 marzo 2020 | 2020 |
ROOZEN-KRON, F. J. M.; SCHOOFS, A. J. G.; VAN CAMPEN, D. H. | Shape optimization of carillon bells | 1995 |
SHARING HERITAGE | " May it's First Peals Utter 'Peace' " - Ringing Bells Across Europe for the International Day of Peace | 2018 |
SHARING HERITAGE | Ringing Bells Across Europe | 2018 |
SMITH, Charles Saumarez | 'A catastrophe for the system of protecting historic buildings': the saga of London's Whitechapel Bell Foundry | 2019 |
St. Paul's Cathedral | A marathon first for the bells of St Paul's | 2012 |
St. Paul's Cathedral | The bells of St Paul's reach historic milestone with 100th peal | 2014 |
St. Paul's Cathedral | Baby bells ring out from St Paul's for Princess Charlotte | 2015 |
St. Paul's Cathedral | Ding Dong | 2015 |
STOLZ, Matthias | Die ältesten Glocken | 2020 |
TCHORSKI | Dictionnaire des fondeurs de cloches en Belgique | 2010 |
TCHORSKI | Le classement Monument Historique | 2018 |